Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Referral Time

This is the time of month my stomach starts churning and the nailbiting habit starts rearing its ugly head...it's referral time! Referrals usually come at the end of every month. The rumor right now is they have been mailed out from China and should be arriving on Thursday. According to the Rumor Queen (the link to her blog is posted on the right side of this page), it looks like they may have gotten through October 14th, 2005. Our dossier was logged in on October 31st, 2005. I can't believe it's finally getting so close! It's been such a long wait, I'm wondering if that incredibly bright light at the end of this tunnel is real or a figment of my imagination. I am also starting to go into panic mode. What are we doing? Are we ready to be parents? We've been married for 10 years...am I really ready to give up the freedom we have and make the sacrifices that will be required of us? Yes...with all my heart. I know God has been preparing us for this, maybe for our entire lives. What an incredible gift to know the will of God and to make His desires our own.

Even if the CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs) did get through October 14th, it will probably still be the end of March before they get to us. But like I said, that light is getting brighter and brighter...and I can almost see her sweet face on the other side.

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