Thursday, May 15, 2008

Do I Really Trust You, Lord?

It's easy to say we trust Him when all is well, but...

I had a very interesting experience yesterday. Every Wednesday morning for the last 4 months or so, I have been attending a women's bible study group at our church. Every week I drop Lily off at the nursery where she plays with about 3 or 4 other kids her age. I then leave the nursery and walk across the parking lot to the building where our study is held. Each morning begins with the usual chit-chat amongst the ladies as we load up our plates with whatever food has been brought and fill up our coffee mugs and prepare for what God has in store for us that day. This day started just like every other, except it was the last meeting before the summer break. We had our morning announcements, then sang some wonderful hymns to prepare our hearts for worship. As the music ended and we took our seats, the speaker for the morning walked up to the microphone and asked in a very calm and sure voice, "Who is in control?" Of course we all answered with a resounding, "God!". She asked again, "Do you really believe that?". We answered again, even louder, "YES!" Then she announced that she had just been informed there was criminal activity outside of the church and we were under lock down. My heart stopped. I had been under lock down before at the school where I worked, but I never really thought much of it then. It usually never lasted long and nothing ever came of it. However, I was not a mother at the time with my child in another building across the parking lot from where I was. I had never felt so far away from my baby. My mind raced to the moment I dropped Lily off. She was crying. How could I have left her there crying and now this? (Like I could have known!) What if something happens to her, or to me? I could hear the helicopter circling overhead, and the clanging sounds of the gates to the campus being closed. Then I took a breath. "Lord, do I really trust in You? You have brought me through so much to this exact moment. You have answered so many prayers and been so faithful to me. How could I not trust You now? Of course I trust You. Whatever happens, it will be okay because you are a holy God who has promised to never leave me or forsake me. I do trust You." I was suddenly filled with perfect peace. I rested in the knowledge that God is so much bigger than whatever was happening outside. Several minutes later, someone came in and gave the all clear. We thanked God and went on with our study. Afterwards I stayed to help clean up, said my good-byes to the ladies, loaded up my stuff in the car and went to get my daughter. I walked in to the nursery and saw her running around, laughing and happy. I picked her up and hugged her a little tighter that day.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4: 6-7


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I would have been that calm.
So happy everything turned out okay. It shows that you never know what is around the corner.

karly said...

My goodness! "Be anxious for NOTHING..." even criminal activity that might threaten your daughter. I am so grateful the Lord provided you with His perfect peace in this situation. God is so much bigger than anything, ANYTHING we come across each and every day, and it is so reassuring He will continue to provide in those times.

Julianne, thank you for sharing this experience. I praise the Lord all is well, and I am grateful for what He has taught me through your experience.

Brenda said...

I would have been over at that nursery the second we had the all-clear! You really did have peace!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Oh my gosh! That gave me chills and tears to read your account. What an amazing life lesson! We say we trust God so often, yet until we're in a position where that trust is questioned, we don't always know for sure.

Praise God that everything turned out well.

Dianne :D

Grafted Branch said...

I don't even know what to say. It's the stuff of my imagination, and I'm so encouraged by the way you handled it.

The Pat Blog said...

Wow. Do I trust you Lord? I'm sittin here with my precious lil Frani-lou catching up on a few blogs on a Sunday morning here in Germany while Sophia (with whom I switched beds last night)is still asleep in the next room with Mom... and I just did not expect to read something so heavy. Gotta really enjoy every moment with the precious ones around us. We may have another 50 years together or another 5 minutes...

I'm gonna go prepare a Sunday Morning Brunch for my precious family. Come on Frani-lou...

Anonymous said...

Praise God for his protection and power in our lives!
Glad your little girl was ok!