Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Lily got the all clear from her doctor today...yeah!! Her TB test came back negative and he said the radiologist didn't see anything irregular on her x-ray. This mommy is certainly feeling much better today! Lily did as well as can be expected at the doctor's office. She doesn't care for him too much! She had her vaccinations...2 shots in each leg. Ouch! But she got her cheerios afterwards and felt much better. I think it hurt Robert and I more than it did her! She's also put on about 5 ozs since we got her, so that makes us very happy too.

Right now Robert is at the dentist's office...probably getting a root canal. Yikes. His tooth has been bothering him since shortly before we left for China. We decided to wait until we got back before taking care of it. Hopefully, if he did have to have one (which at this point I'm assuming he did since he has been gone for 2 hours now), it will go well and he won't be in a lot of pain.

Well, enough of my ramblings...I know you are really here for the pictures! Here are some that we have taken since we've been home.

Mommy, Lily and Great Aunt Paula

Lily with her Great Aunt Valerie...and none too happy about it!

She loves to swing upside down!

Lily with a very happy daddy

4 mom, me, Lily and my grandma

No...she didn't stick her finger in a light socket! This was how she looked when she woke up from her nap yesterday.

Lily with a very happy mommy (after we combed her hair!).

Lily and Shayna. They still aren't too sure about each other, but Lily is becoming much more interested in Shayna thasn Shayna is in Lily!


Terri Rizzo said...

Good Morning Orsa Family!
I so enjoy reading the joy and happiness you are all feeling daily. It's like a good book that you can't put down. Welcome home and hugs to all of you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Orsa Clan!!!
It's Monika, I LOVE this site and only just got the info from Verdin on where to find it. Thanks so much for putting my painting up there with the kind words. I actually wanted to see if it'd be ok with you if I put those pics on my website, I am adding a custom work page. ?
Lily looks gorgeous, happy, and comfortable. Her pictures are beautiful. I am so glad you are all home safe.
Congrats again and all my love,
p.s I don't have your email address!

Jenny said...

What wonderful pictures! Thanks for continuing to share with everyone. I especially love the 4 generations picture. That is one to treasure! Keep posting!

The Crosby Family

Anonymous said...

Too, too, too cute! Your whole family's joy just jumps right out of the computer. I can't wait to meet little Miss Lilybug. Welcome home!
Sending my love,